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HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp

HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
HD nek-en-lyfklamp/neck-and-body clamp
Recommended Price
R 106,894.00
Ex Vat: R 92,951.30

Available Options

Die lyfklamp is gemaklik om me te werk en is baie veilig vir die boer as ook die diere. Die lyfklamp is meestal gebou met 50mm vierkantige pyp met ‘n staal wand dikte van 3mm. Daar is baie toegangshekke op albei kante van die lyfklamp om al die nodige funksies te verrig wanneer jy beeste werk. Die nekklamp maak van bo tot onder heeltemal tot 750mm oop en die lyfklamp vernou tot op 300mm. Die nekklamp en lyfklamp se handvatsels kan skuif op die balke – dit beteken die boer kan die skuifhek, lyfklamp en nekklamp alleen oop en toe maak as hy sou wou.
Prys van die HD Lyf-en-nekklamp R 92 950 + BTW.
Daar is ook die opsie van die HD Lyf-en-nekklamp met KI hekke en die prys R 112 310 + BTW.
Die Lyf-en-neklamp is ook beskikbaar is die LD reeks, hierdie het ‘n staal wand dikte van 2mm en kom met die SD (standaard) nekklamp.
Prys van die LD Lyf-en-nekklamp R 81 610 + BTW.
Prys van die LD Lyf-en-nekklamp met KI hekke R 98 930 + BTW.

Prys is onderhewig aanveranderinge.
Al die items is geverf met roeswerende onderlaag en UV bestande bolaag en kan gegalvaniseer word in plaas van verf.
Aflewering kan gereel word landswyd en ook teen ekstra koste vir EX-SA.

Algar HD body and neck clamp

The body clamp is comfortable to work with and is very safe for both the farmer as well as the animals. The body clamp is mainly built from 50mm square tubing with a steel wall width of 3mm. There are many access gates on both sides of the body clamp allowing the farmer to perform all the necessary functions when working cattle. The neck clamp opens completely from top to bottom up to 750mm and the body clamp narrows up to 300mm. The neck and body clamp handles can move on the beams – this means the farmer can work the neck and body clamp as well as the sliding gate all from one spot by him/herself.
Price of the HD body and neck clamp R 92 950 + VAT.
There is the option of the HD body and neck clamp with AI gates and will cost R 112 310 + VAT.
The body and neck clamp is also available in the LD series, this has a steel wall width of 2mm and comes with the SD (standard) neck clamp.
Price of the LD body and neck clamp R 81 610 + VAT.
Price of the body and neck clamp with AI gates R 98 930 + VAT.
Prices subject to change.
All items are painted with an anti-corrosive undercoat and UV resistant topcoat and can be galvanized instead of painted.
Delivery can be arranged nationwide and also at extra cost for EX-SA.
Items displayed are for marketing purposes, final product might differ (some orange parts will be charcoal in final product). Some products will also differ when improvements are made. Algar always strives to improve our products in quality, function and customer need.
Algar HD lyfklamp/Body clamp:
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