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Decatix 3 5L

Decatix 3 5L
Decatix 3 5L
Recommended Price
R 1,329.00
Ex Vat: R 1,155.65

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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CONTAINS: Deltamethrin 2,5 % m/v. Controls ticks. Kills cattle lice. Controls African face flies. Controls other nuisance and biting flies on cattle, e.g.: stable flies house flies, cattle louse flies, black flies, and horn flies. Controls screw-worm infestations. Kills sheep scab mites. Kills sheep and goat lice. Kills sheep keds. WARNINGS NO WITHDRAWAL PERIOD. Poisonous by swallowing and inhalation. Toxic to bees, other insects, and fish. STORAGE: Store concentrate in a safe place, away from food and feed. Avoid skin contact with concentrate or dipwash, which may cause irritation. In case of accidental skin contamination, wash the skin immediately thoroughly with soap and hot water. Remove and wash contaminated clothing. Avoid breathing spray mist. In case of poisoning call a doctor and make this information available. Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons, and animals. Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder. PRECAUTIONS: Wash hands thoroughly before eating, drinking, or smoking. Prevent contamination of food, utensils, drinking water, rivers, dams, grazing, etc. Destroy empty containers completely by flattening and never re-use for any other purpose. Clean applicator, receptacles, etc. thoroughly before re-using for other materials. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: USE ONLY AS DIRECTED SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. DO NOT MIX WITH ANY OTHER SPRAY OR DIP. Premix concentrate by adding an equal volume of water to the required amount of concentrate, stirring all the time. Then add this to approximately 25 ℓ of water, stirring all the time. Add this to the main bulk of water in the diptank or sprayrace sump and stir to complete dispersion. The first 25 head of cattle dipped in a diptank should be redipped immediately before the rest of the herd. Check the efficiency of sprayrace before spraying cattle. When hand spraying ensure thorough wetting of animals using 10 -15 ℓ per adult animal. Spray against the lie of hair. Dilution Spraying: Dilute at rate of 1 ℓ to 500 ℓ of water (i.e. 100 mℓ/50 ℓ water). No boosting of spraywash is necessary. Note: It is good husbandry to make only sufficient spraywash for each treatment session (i.e. 2,5 ℓ per head plus sufficient spraywash to fill system) and to clean sprayrace systems after use, discarding remaining fouled wash. Cattle: Diptanks Filling: Use 1,5 ℓ Decatix 3 to 1 000 ℓ water (average diptank of 15 000 ℓ requires 22,5 ℓ concentrate to fill). Replenishment: Use 1 ℓ Decatix 3 to 555 ℓ of replenishment water or the “head count” system. “Head count” replenishment system: Using the Decatix 3 “head count” replenishment jug, measure dip concentrate for replenishment in numbers of head dipped at the last dipping. Water may be replaced as and when necessary. DO NOT ADD CONCENTRATE during replenishment with water. Note: 1 ℓ of Decatix 3 will replenish sufficient dipwash to dip 222 cattle (450 mℓ/100 cattle). Sheep and goats: Diptanks Filling: If the diptank was used for cattle dipping at the correct concentration add 1 ℓ concentrate for every 1 000 ℓ of dip in the tank. When a diptank has previously been in use for cattle, the wash should be agitated by the passage of at least 25 head of cattle before commencing the dipping of sheep. If a fresh tank is being made up for sheep use 2 050 mℓ of concentrate for every 1 000 ℓ of water. In the event of an outbreak of sheep scab, sheep should be dipped twice at statutory 8 – 10 day interval under Government supervision. Replenishment: Woolled sheep: Before each dipping session, replenish the dipwash using 450 mℓ for every 80 sheep dipped at previous session, irrespective of the size of the sheep. Water may be added as and when necessary. DO NOT ADD CONCENTRATE during replenishment with water. Non-woolled sheep and goats: As for woolled sheep but add 450 mℓ for every 240 sheep or goats dipped at previous session. Note: After dipping woolled sheep, a small number of animals may show slight discomfort or unusual gait, but these effects are short-lived. Cattle can be dipped normally using the “head count” system after sheep have been dipped as above. Ostriches: Spray birds until run-off. Use 1 ℓ concentrate per 500 ℓ water. FREQUENCY OF USE: Intensive control of ticks and flies: When used as directed at weekly intervals it will provide intensive control of ticks and flies. All animals should be treated and interruption of the programme should be avoided. EXTENDED TREATMENT INTERVALS: Under circumstances of low tick or fly challenge it may be used, at the user’s discretion, at intervals greater than 7 days. In these circumstances, users are advised to make use of relevant vaccines to obtain optimal protection of their cattle against prevalent tick-borne diseases. Lice: When used as directed, it kills lice. One dipping is sufficient but annual preventative dipping is recommended. Post-dipping lameness: If dipwash stands over form more than 24 hours, zinc sulphate (ZnS04) should be added at a rate of 1:1000 (1kg per 1 000 ℓ dipwash) to prevent post-dipping lameness. This procedure to be repeated at the end of each day ‘s dipping. Although the condition is very rarely encountered in cattle tanks, it may occur. Storage instructions: Store in a cool, dry place

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